
Welcome to the art she sees.

Art Brings Hope to Lenox Hill Hospital

Art Brings Hope to Lenox Hill Hospital

As of March 27th, the United States has more confirmed cases of COVID-19 than any other country in the world. In New York City specifically, there are more than 20,000 cases and counting. As a result, hospitals are being spread thin for resources, room, and staff with stories of patients having to wait almost 60 hours for a bed while there have been a large number of doctors and nurses themselves getting coronavirus due to lack of supplies. Since hope is dwindling among the community, New Yorkers Elizabeth Jaeger, 31-year-old artist, and Cady Chaplin, a 30-year-old ICU nurse, reached out to artists to make posters for the break room at Lenox Hill Hospital.

The wall features rotating works by more than 25 artists and beneath it is where Jaeger and Chaplin share their story and experience with their creation of the project.

As Elizabeth said when questioned about her work: “I think art heals in the sense that it reminds us that another world is possible. But frontline workers like nurses, doctors, restaurant workers, delivery people, postal service workers, and sanitation employees are the people keeping us alive. It’s important to support them in any way that we can.”

Cindy remarked: “Yes, absolutely. It has been so fortifying to go into the break room and see what I love about the world outside and how people are taking time to send us really beautiful signs of encouragement and gratitude.”

Here are some of my favorite pieces of art below from the gallery:

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On May 4th the Bradenburg State Museum for Modern Art will be the first German museum to reopen after the lockdown caused by Covid-19! What will that be like?

On May 4th the Bradenburg State Museum for Modern Art will be the first German museum to reopen after the lockdown caused by Covid-19! What will that be like?

What does the world look like without art? We have been given a glimpse during quarantine and the answer is: desolate.

What does the world look like without art? We have been given a glimpse during quarantine and the answer is: desolate.