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Dr. Anthony Fauci, now an Art Icon

Dr. Anthony Fauci, now an Art Icon

Since the United States has been hit by the coronavirus, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases as well as a member of the White House coronavirus task force, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is being recognized through various pieces of art for his work. In facing threats to his safety, he is being praised around the country and thousands of artists, on social media and other outlets, are showing their appreciation with their artistic tributes. These include portraits, cartoons, tattoos, sock puppets, and even saint icons of Dr. Anthony Fauci.

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One of the most notable tributes is by Andy Andersen, who depicted Fauci as the late-medieval Saint Pantaleon the healer. The illustration is dubbed “Saint Fauci,” showing him carrying a box of medicine while being circled by angels of death and drawings of coronaviruses.

Many people see him as the voice of reason and the beacon of hope during this difficult and desperate time, and artists took to their work to depict these emotions and gratitude many feel for the work he is doing.

As Andersen wrote in an email reply: “To me, Fauci is the calming, reassuring voice during this confusing and unpredictable time, he reminds me of a grandfather who assures you that everything will be ok. It will be hard, it will most likely suck, and sh#!t will happen, but in the end, everything will be ok. The silver lining is that humanity has such a competent, intellectual powerhouse on its side.”

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Posterhouse & Artists Collaborate on a Campaign of Love and Gratitude for NYC First Responders:

Posterhouse & Artists Collaborate on a Campaign of Love and Gratitude for NYC First Responders:

“Savage Beauty”

“Savage Beauty”